Successes and Failures

So the hoard of grey plastic and one metal miniature has turned into a hoard of grey painted miniatures. But of course it wasn't that simple... More after the jump. 

It's going to be EPIC

I was really inspired by the amazing work in 6mm scale done by 40k hobby blog (check it out in the blog feed) so I thought I would give it a go. He's painted up some incredible looking SoH and world eater models. After some careful sniping on EBay I managed to get the collection seen above. The tanks were still on sprue and the thunderhawk gunship was in pieces. That was when I remembered how much I hated making metal models.

Some careful scraping, judicious use of green stuff and fingers stuck together with superglue and the gunship went together without too much swearing. The tanks were of course very simple. You can't beat an epic scale rhino...

Now I just have to decide on paint scheme. I'm thinking Red Scorpions so I can use them as an amazing backdrop to my new primaris marines in photos.

As always any questions and comments are very welcome.

WIP: More Primaris Red Scorpions

I've managed a bit more progress on my Red Scorpions Primaris Marines. The plasma toting chaps (still not quite got to grips with the new names) and one of the lieutenants have had the black and silver done. Next up the black wash on the armour.

WIP: Red scorpions

As usual I can't resist tinkering so they now have a yellow left knee to break up the grey of the lower body. You may also detect some shiny shoulder pads as I've put some gloss on them in preparation for the transfers. Wish me luck... 

Microset and Microsol

These just arrived so I can start putting some transfers on my Red Scorpions Primaris Marines. I've never used them before so any advice is more than welcome.